Jul. 09, 2012

wdc WDC keeps on its improvements, and the newly released notes are as follows:


  • Improved advanced cleaning security.
  • Optimized cleaning result.
  • Added exclusion of HFS drive (Mac OS).
  • Added new scheduler taks tpye - At log on.
  • Prompted SSD do not need to defragment.
  • Changed fragments into fragmented rate.
  • Improved some language packs.

For more information, please visit www.wisecleaner.com/wisediskcleanerfree.html
Official download link: http://www.wisecleaner.com/soft/WDCFree.exe

Jul. 04, 2012

wdc Our new v7.53 release of Wise Disk Cleaner adds one of the most requested features - Disk Defrag! And, it's still free!


  • Added disk defrag function.
  • Improved English, German, Japanese, Italian, French and Russian language packs.
  • Some other improvements.

For more information, please visit www.wisecleaner.com/wisediskcleanerfree.html
Official download link: http://www.wisecleaner.com/soft/WDCFree.exe

Jun. 28, 2012

wdc Wise Disk Cleaner has launched its new version - 7.43. The released notes are as follows:


  • Improved its cleaning speed.
  • Fixed the freezing issue of old version.
  • Improved French, Dutch, Spanish and Swedish language packs.

For more information, please visit www.wisecleaner.com/wisediskcleanerfree.html
Official download link: http://www.wisecleaner.com/soft/WDCFree.exe

Jun. 11, 2012
WDC keeps on its improvements, and the newly released notes are as follows:

  • Supported resize main interface.
  • Supported custom skin color.
  • Added an option to select language at first run.
  • Fixed a memory leak problem.
  • Improved some language packs.

For more information, please visit www.wisecleaner.com/wisediskcleanerfree.html
Official download link: http://www.wisecleaner.com/soft/WDCFree.exe
May. 23, 2012
WDC keeps on its improvements, and the newly released notes are as follows:

  • Fixed the wrong default language issue.
  • Supported Portuguese(Portugal) language.
  • Improved some language packs.

For more information, please visit www.wisecleaner.com/wisediskcleanerfree.html Official download link: http://www.wisecleaner.com/soft/WDCFree.exe
May. 21, 2012
WDC keeps on its improvements, and the newly released notes are as follows:

May. 11, 2012
WDC keeps on its improvements, and the newly released notes are as follows:

  • Supported creating the portable version.
  • Improved some language packs.
  • Minor GUI improvements.
For more information, please visit www.wisecleaner.com/wisediskcleanerfree.html
Apr. 11, 2012
WDC keeps on its improvements, and the newly released notes are as follows:

  • Improved google chrome cookies cleaning
  • Added and improved several language packs such as English, Russian,
  • Chinese(Traditional), Turkish, Swedish, Czech, Dutch (Netherland), Bulgarian, and Norwegian (Nynorsk).
  • Fixed some bugs
For more information, please visit www.wisecleaner.com/wisediskcleanerfree.html
Apr. 01, 2012
WDC keeps on its improvements, and the newly released notes are as follows:

  • Added Address Book of Word to exclusion list
  • Improved Chrome history cleaning
  • Improved Firefox history cleaning
  • Improved some language packs, such as Turkish, Slovak, Spanish etc.
  • Added new Swedish and Traditional Chinese language packs
For more information, please visit www.wisecleaner.com/wisediskcleanerfree.html
Mar. 30, 2012
WDC has been perfecting. Now we has improved several points -- especially the compatibility with Win 8 . Here new language translations are always welcome.

  • Improved Windows 8 compatibility
  • Improved GUI display
  • Improved some language packs, such as Finnish, Japanese, Italian etc.
  • Added a new language pack - Bulgarian

For more information, please visit www.wisecleaner.com/wisediskcleanerfree.html



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